Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Journey to Lasik Surgery

Over the past ten or fifteen years, I've known several people who have had various forms of laser eye surgeries. They've ranged from PRK to LK to other acronyms which currently escape me. It's always been something I've thought about doing but never did. One reason was the cost of such surgeries and the fact that most insurance companies didn't cover it. Another reason is that I'm basically a weenie when it comes to meddling with my eyes. I also heard that only a small percentage of people experienced worse vision after their surgery than they had before. And then I would think ... "Well, somebody has to make up that small percentage of people and I wouldn't want it to be me."

So for those reasons, and others that must remain top secret for now, I put off seriously considering Lasik surgery all through my twenties and almost to the end of my thirties. But that all changed in the summer of 2007 and by February 8, 2008 my new life with a new set of eyes began.